- Encuentro de verdes de Europa residentes en Andalucía
The new group, «Verdes/Greens in Costa del Sol» meets…
every first friday of each month
at Hotel Ilunion, Fuengirola
at 5 p.m. (17.00)
You are welcome to join and participate. We are committed to help life flourish on Earth!
This group is open to anyone interested in the topic. There is no need to register in advance.
+ information: Gonzalo Serrano, +34 615773089 (Telegram or WhatsApp)
On January 4th, at 4:00 pm, in Fuengirola (Costa del Sol, Malaga, Spain) we had our first meeting with green activists from Europe who live in Andalusia.
Organized by the Green Party from Finland, the event was hosted by Allu Pyhälammi and Gonzalo Serrano, European delegate of Verdes Equo and responsible for the LGTBIQA+ green network in Spain.
Here you can find more information about European greens getting active in Spain: