EQUO Málaga questions the need of developing the project to extract natural gas in the Alboran Sea, as it means an increase of our dependence on fossil fuels, which deepens unsustainability of the Spanish energy sector.
Considering that the energy strategy in Spain is a key for its development, EQUO Málaga bets on renewable energy as a clean and durable solution.Even more because it means following the right path started and developed in the two previous legislatures and brutally stopped by the current government.It is a fact that the efforts made in recent decades for renewable energydevelopment, particularly solar and wind, had brought down the level of energy dependence of the country.
«… We regret that the promotion of renewable energy that had started in recent years does not go on anymore, as the sector was established, also taking into account that a large number of jobswere created, which are now being destroyed at high speed. It is a fact that Spanish companies of that sector are internationally recognized for their significant technical capacity … «said the co-spokesman forEQUO Málaga, Juan Jose Merino.
Wereject the energy model based on non-renewable energy for its lack of future, its likely pollutantsconsequences and its collision with other activities, such as tourism and fishing.
These considerations lead EQUO to present these 10 arguments before the Government Sub-delegation in Malaga by the hand of itsMalaga co-spokeswoman, Carmen Molina, and we expect they will help curb this unsustainable and dangerous bet.
We consider that social and environmental profitability of the project presented to public information is low and the risks high. We also believe that instead of promoting an increase of consumption, it is desirable to aim for energy savings and this is not encouraged by grantingsearch permissions for Chinookhydrocarbons.
EQUO Málaga bets for the Alboran to be a fertile seain future, and the future we want to see, means to leave behind all the unrepairable damage caused to this sea, not wanting more risks to be taken, such as those involving these surveys for future gas extraction.