Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia

Campaña para la participación de verdes de Europa residentes en Andalucía


Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía


Now that you live in Spain we would like you to join the Green Party here, so that you can stay in touch with like-minded people and keep transforming society where you currently are.

The Spanish Green Party, Verdes Equo, has been growing in the last few years and it is even participating in the Spanish government, in charge of the General Directorate for Animal Rights.

There is tremendous work to do in Spain about climate change, nature restoration and many other topics that are dear to us, greens: social justice, human rights, peace, democracy, migration, LGBTIQA+, equality, diversity and inclusion…

Therefore, we would really appreciate you joining us to make this change happen.

Maybe you live in Andalusia, Canary Islands, Baleares, Valencia, Murcia, Madrid, Catalunya… No matter where you live now, if you are interested in joining the Spanish greens, please,

—> contact us at +34 615773089 through WhatsApp or Telegram Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía

—> tell us where you live exactly in Spain, so that we can welcome you into the local group in your area.


Also, we have different networks within Verdes Equo in Spain, so, please, let us know if you are interested in participating in any of this specific networks:

Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo AndalucíaTime to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo AndalucíaTime to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo AndalucíaTime to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía


Finally, we would be very happy if you would join Verdes Equo as a member. To do so, fill in the form in this link:

Afiliarse a Verdes Equo


We are sure that your energy, time and expertise might be very valuable also in the Spanish greens.

Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía

Welcome to Spain !!!

And thanks again for keeping your green heart & mind active.

Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía

Irene Vivas (Valencia) & Gonzalo Serrano (Andalucía)

Verdes Equo delegates to the European Green Party

Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía     Time to join Verdes Equo in Andalusia Verdes Equo Andalucía

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